Condition for Use of Mark

5. Procedure

5.1. Contractual Obligation:

Correct use of the certificate, certification mark or accreditation mark is a contractual obligation and will be monitored at surveillance and certificate renewal assessments. Any misuse of the certificate, certification mark or accreditation by the client may result in suspension or withdrawal of the certification by RC. RC’s considerations with respect to suspension or withdrawal will be as follows:

5.1.1. Inadvertent Misuse:

With this activity, the organization will be required to immediately withdraw the offending materials, or RC will suspend certification until the misuse is rectified. Repeated inadvertent misuse will not be tolerated by RC and therefore will be cause for withdrawal of certification.

5.1.2. Fraud:

With an activity considered premeditated on the part of the organization, RC will withdraw certification and publish notices to that effect in the directory of certified companies as per the procedure and situation.

5.2. Certification Conditions

5.2.1. Use of Certificate of Approval

5.2.2.   Use of the RC Unaccredited Logo

CB No. 000


CB No. 000


CB No. 000


CB No. 000


Note: The above logo shall be used if the client is certified to unaccredited ISO 9001 :2015 ,14001:2015, & 45001:2018.

5.2.3.   Accredited Certification Mark



CB No. 000






CB No. 000




CB No. 000



Note: The above logo shall be used if the client is certified to accredited ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, & 45001:2018.


The same conditions of logo usage shall apply in case of non-accredited certificates also.

5.2.4. Failure to Comply with the Certification Conditions, Suspension and Withdrawal of   Certificate Approval

If the Client/certificate holder fails to maintain compliance with the requirements of certified standard such as ISO 9001, 14001, & 45001 those requirements detailed in Certification Conditions Document and those commercial and operating requirements of the RC then;

5.3. Special Audits

5.3.1. Extension to Scope

RC shall review the application for extension to the scope of certification and shall determine the need of any audit activities. Depending on the complexity of their change this may require a special visit or may be conducted in conjunction with a surveillance audit.

5.3.2. Reduction of Scope of Certification

RC shall review the extent of reduction of scope of certification and the Scheme Manager will determine the need of any audit activities. RC shall contact the client and ask him to return the certificate and then re-issue a certificate with the reduced scope.

5.3.3.  Short-Notice Audits

RC reserve the right to conduct short notice audits on certified clients to investigate complaints, in response to changes or as follow up on suspended clients.